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After the children of Israel came out of Egypt God led them to the 'promised land'.

Moses sent spies into the promised land to find out about the inhabitants. Ten of the twelve spies said the land could not be conquered and the Israelites were afraid and didn't want to go into the land.

Because of their fear and unbelief God said they would wander in the wilderness for forty years until another generation had grown up.

After forty years the new generation reached the borders of the promised land again and crossed into the promised land.

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To rid the people of slave mentalities from egypt and also because they had become disheartened at the Report of the Ten Spies.

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He was not permitted because he disobeyed God. Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land. God did allow him to see it from one of the mountains outside Israel before he died.

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Joshua succeeded Moses.

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God promised to send the Israelites to the Promised Land (Canna, or Palestine). They walked 40 years in the desert with Moses (though he never made it to the Promised Land, he died when they could see it in the distance and Joshua took over).

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According to the Bible, Joshua was the first to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses died.

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God did not allow Moses to reach the promised land. Rather, he died at Mt. Nebo (as God has said in Numbers 20:12, "And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed Me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation, into the land which I have given them." KJV) where he was able to see a panoramic view of the promised land. Moses led the Children of Israel during their nation-building in the wilderness, from the exodus from Egypt to the threshold of entering the Promised Land, a period of 40 years, but never in his life set foot in the land.

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He was 120 years old. He stood on the mountain top. Then he died.

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God promised him the entire land (Genesis ch.13 and 15), but the promise was fulfilled later, in the time of Joshua.

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After Moses died at 120 years , then Joshua the son of Nun became their leader and led the Hebrews to the Promised Land.

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No. Miriam was Moses older sister and Moses had died before the Israelites 40 years in the desert were over.

Who led Israelites into promised land?

Moses led them up to the border of Canaan, and Joshua led them into the land itself (Joshua ch.3-4). See also:More about Moses and Joshua