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At Galatians 1:6 Paul says: " I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel...".

Christianity was brand new at this time, and Paul was working with ALL congregations, instructing and organizing them, correcting misunderstandings and falsehoods, providing scriptural reminders of Christ's teachings, helping to keep everyone united in the same thinking(1 Corinthians 1:10). The congregations in Galatia (including the cities of Iconium, Lystra, Derbe and Antioch) were a mixed group made up of formerly pagan Celts (coming from a fierce and superstitious background) and converts from Judaism (passionately attached to the Law), many of whom had not yet completely rid themselves of previous attitudes, attachments and behaviors. Because of these tendencies, they were easily led astray by 'Judaizers' (enemies of truth) who spoke against the apostles and subverted their faith for their own profit (Acts 15:1/Galatians 2:4/Galatians 4:17). Many of these 'false brothers' had filled the congregations with accusations against Paul and the apostles, and confused the thinking of the congregations. Paul took time to refute the accusations(Galatians 1:1,13-24), reprimand the Galatians for listening to false teachings (Galatians 4:9+10) and build up their faith(Acts 18:23)

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Q: Why did St Paul say the Christians in Galatia had abandoned God?
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