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Q: Why did Pilate want Jews to judge Jesus?
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Why did people like Herod and Pilate want to kill John the Baptist and Jesus?

Herod, like his father, was an evil man, jealous of his position and viewed Jesus as the prophisied of King and perceived Jesus therefore as a threat. Though professing to be religious Herod had closer ties with Godless Rome than his subjects. Pilate did not want to kill Jesus, in fact he gave the Jews an option to not so do. The Jews rejected that option, preferring a seditioness, murderer and thief be release to them and Jesus be crucified. Pilate stated he found no fault with Jesus but to please the Jews he released Jesus to them to be crucified.

Why did Pilate want to spare Jesus from execution?

After speaking with Jesus, Pilate could not find any wrong in Him: John 18:38New International Version (NIV) 38 "What is truth?" retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, "I find no basis for a charge against him.

Did Pilate want Jesus to die?

Pilate really didn't under stand why the Jews wanted him to kill Jesus he didn't do nut tin wrong but the crowd was chanting for Pilate to crucify Jesus so he just did.

Who pronounce Jesus sentence?

In Matthew chapter 27 (King James Version) begins the trial of Jesus. Although Pilate tried to absolve himself of responsibility (Pilate's wife tried to warn him) he agreed to the death of Jesus as a way to satisfy the Jews. Pilate was the Roman govenorof that area of Israel and didn't want any trouble from the people.It is interesting to note that although Pilate sentenced Christ Jesus to death, to show he didn't want any responsibility for the action he washed his hands in clean water from a bowl. That is where we get our expression "to wash our hands of (something)" whenwe don't want to absolve ourselves of responsibility.

Who condemed jesus to death?

The sins of all mankind - from Adam to the last person. In His human life to this end, the Roman Governor Pilate was the authority to condemn Him:John 19:9-11New King James Version (NKJV)9 and went again into the Praetorium, and said to Jesus, "Where are You from?" But Jesus gave him no answer.10 Then Pilate said to Him, "Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?"11 Jesus answered, "You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin."

Was Jesus crucified after a trial that Pilate never wanted?

Pilate found no fault in Jesus so he told the Jewish leaders to try Jesus themselves according to their own laws. Pilate learned that Jesus was a Galilean and was under Herod's jurisdiction so Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, who had heard about Jesus and wanted to see him. When Jesus came back, Pilate told the Jewish leaders that neither he nor Herod could find Jesus guilty of a crime that brought with it the death penalty. Pilate proposed to have Jesus scourged and then released. During passover the Romans had a custom of releasing one Jewish prisoner of the crowd's choosing. Pilate thought they might choose Jesus, but the crowd made clear they wanted him to release a prisoner named Barabbas. The crowd became a mob and with increased intensity called for Pilate to crucify Jesus. Pilate knew his first mandate from Caesar was to keep these people under control. Pilate therefore took a bowl of water and washed his hands, declaring his innocence of the blood of Jesus. I do not suppose Pilate never wanted the trial, only that he knew Jesus was innocent and did not want to see Him crucified.

What were the two accusations made against Jesus?

The Jews charged Jesus with blasphemy. Pilate pointed out that the Jews were to judge their own religious questions. They replied that they had no permission to put anyone to death, as was their intention with Jesus. Since blasphemy was not a charge under Roman Law, under which Jesus was tried, it must be concluded he was sentenced without charge, even though the Jews tried to bring some allegations of treason against the Roman state to give it a semblance of legality.

What does Pilate think of Jesus?

Pilot thought Jesus was a heretic and should be put to death for questioning Cesar. Jesus scared Pilate in John c19v 8 - 13 it gives the impression that Pilate may have believed Jesus. However, popularity meant a lot and he didn't want to have an angry mob on his hands so he killed Jesus at the crowds' request. It was Pilate that wrote Jesus was king of the Jew on a sign and refused to change the wording to "he says that he is king of the Jews" when the priest asked him to. This too gives the impression that Pilate believed Jesus just might be the messiah and was hedging his bets.

Why did the Roman government want to get rid of Jesus?

They didn't. Pilate ordered Jesus to be crucified against Roman justice, but bowed to considerable political pressure.

Who washed their hands of Jesus?

Pontius Pilate symbolically washed his hands, making this point. He personally felt that Jesus had done nothing to warrent a death sentence and spoke out in His defense. But, as was destined to happen, Jesus had to die in order to complete the plan of redemption. This is where the old phrase 'wash my hands of you' came from. Pilate did not want to feel responsible for Jesus' death.

How Jesus was crucified?

The only way to be crucified is to be nailed on a cross. The Romans crucified him on A.D 29. When the nailed him to the cross, the cross was outside of a city for visitors to see what will happen if they don't follow the laws.

Did the Roman governor want to kill Jesus?

Judea was not headed by a governor. It was administered by a prefect on behalf of the Governor of Syria. Pontius Pilate, the prefect, did not want Jesus to be executed. He thought that he was innocent. It was he crowd in Jerusalem who wanted Jesus executed.