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Q: Why did Pennsylvania have so many Quakers and Massachusetts?
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Where did the Quakers live in the period of the 13 colonies?

because the wanted to... it had something to do with the king of England (it was like Charles or something)

How was the settlement of Pennsylvania different from the settlement in Massachusetts?

Pennsylvanians were Quakers. Those who settled Massachusetts were Puritans. It would take a book to detail the differences, but here are a couple of belief differences. Quakers made a break with the Church of England. They are pacifists who do not believe in war. Puritans wanted to keep the Church of England but move it more away from the Catholic Church, so their beliefs were more like protestants.

What religions did the colony of Pennsylvania have?


Why did the founders of Pennsylvania go there?

Quakers were being jailed in England so it made sense to go to Pennsylvania.

Why did Pennsylvania have so many religions in 1750?

Because it was dominated by Quakers at the time whom believe in peace. This led the colony of Pennsylvania to be religiously tolerant because the Quakers would not war against other denominations and/or religions.

What was difference in the religious practices in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts?

Pennsylvanians were Quakers. Those who settled Massachusetts were Puritans. It would take a book to detail the differences, but here are a couple of belief differences. Quakers made a break with the Church of England. They are pacifists who do not believe in war. Puritans wanted to keep the Church of England but move it more away from the Catholic Church, so their beliefs were more like protestants.

William Penn established a colony in Pennsylvania so that?

So Quakers could practice their faith freely.

What is the origin of Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania was named after William Penn. king Charles gave him land so the Quakers could live in peace

The Quakers experiences in England led them to adopt which policy in their new colony of Pennsylvania?

The Quakers were persecuted in England so their colony promoted religious tolerance.

Did William Penn start the Pennsylvania colony?

So the Quakers could live according to their beliefs

Can you get a license in Pennsylvania even if you have warrants out for your arrest?

You can't do it in Massachusetts, so I don't think you could do it in Pennsylvania.

What state did Quakers practice their religious beliefs in?

William Penn, the founder of the colony Pennsylvania, established it so that Quakers could have religious freedom from the Anglican church of England.