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Mother Tresa also learnt Bengali because she lived in West Bengal.hope that it is a better way for her purpose to help the poor and needy persons.....

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How many languages did Mother Teresa come to speak fluently during her life?

Mother Teresa came to speak five languages fluently:her native AlbanianSerbo-CroatEnglishBengaliHindi.AnswerI am actually doing a report on her so I'll give you the answer to your question. She spoke Indian and English, because she was from Calcutta, India that explains the Indian now the English, that was the second language there. She would often learn that in school. If you want to see and hear her speak just go to and type in Mother Teresa at the top and there she is. Hopefully my answer was useful! Mother Teresa was born in Albania.Five languages Mother Teresa can speak fluently. Her own language is Albanian after that English, Hindi, Bengali & Serbo.Croat are the languages she was fluent speaker of.

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Mother Teresa did not travel to Iceland, she went to Ireland to learn English as a member of the Sisters of Loreto.

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Mother Teresa was home schooled since girls were not allowed to attend schools. When she joined the Sisters of Loreto they sent her to Ireland to learn English.

Where was Mother Teresa taught English?

She was sent to Ireland for about 3 months to learn English.

What do you call your mother in bengali?

In Bengali, you call your mother "মা" (pronounced as "ma").

What did mother Teresa's attitudes have?

Mother Teresa to have them.

Where did Mother Teresa receive her education?

Mother Teresa did not attend school as girls could not attend school at the time in Albania. She was home schooled by her mother. When she became a sister of Loretto, she was sent to Ireland for a few months to learn English.

Did Mother Teresa ever play any sports?

Mother Teresa did not participate in or follow sports.

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Nirmala is the name of the successor of Mother Teresa, not the name of Mother Teresa.

What was Mother Teresa's pet?

Mother Teresa had no pets.

Was Mother Teresa a Muslim?

No, Mother Teresa was a Catholic.

Was Mother Teresa a gypsy?

No, Mother Teresa was Albanian.