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Matthew begins his gospel by presenting the lineage of Jesus. The genealogy shows that Jesus is a legal descendant of David through the royal line. Matthew uses many Old Testament prophecies ( eg Zech 9:9 Isaiah7:14 ) to show that Jesus is the King of Israel and the promised messiah, therefore showing that Jesus is the Messiah-King of Israel.

Matthew introduces the phrase "the King of the Jews in chapter 2:1-2, at the beginning of Jesus' life when magi from the east arrive in Jerusalem and ask "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?" The phrase is also used again at the end of Jesus' life during His trial and crucifixion "THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS."

The book of Matthew makes more mentions of the "kingdom of heaven" of "kingdom of God" than any of the other Gospels. Jesus repeatedly proclaims the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and tells many parables about the kingdom

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Llewellyn Hermiston

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Matthew begins his gospel by presenting the lineage of Jesus. The genealogy shows that Jesus is a legal descendant of David through the royal line. Matthew uses many Old Testament prophecies ( eg Zech 9:9 Isaiah7:14 ) to show that Jesus is the King of Israel and the promised messiah, therefore showing that Jesus is the Messiah-King of Israel.

Matthew introduces the phrase "the King of the Jews in chapter 2:1-2, at the beginning of Jesus' life when magi from the east arrive in Jerusalem and ask "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?" The phrase is also used again at the end of Jesus' life during His trial and crucifixion "THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS."

The book of Matthew makes more mentions of the "kingdom of heaven" of "kingdom of God" than any of the other Gospels. Jesus repeatedly proclaims the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and tells many parables about the kingdom

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12y ago

he wasnt in the mood for jesus.

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Q: Why did Matthew portray Jesus as the messiah and king?
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The Gospel of Matthew begins with a genealogy tracing Jesus' earthly lineage back to Abraham. It establishes Jesus' connection to the lineage of King David, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah coming from David's line. This genealogy sets the stage for Matthew to portray Jesus as the long-awaited fulfillment of Jewish expectations for a Messiah.

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The Gospel of Matthew portrays Jesus as a kingly messiah, emphasizing his genealogy as a descendant of King David, his birth as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and his royal titles such as "Son of David" and "King of the Jews." It also includes the story of the Magi visiting Jesus, who were seeking the "king of the Jews."

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I am guessing that you are asking what is the purpose of the book of Matthew... Matthew's biggest purpose seems to have been to tell say that Jesus truly fulfilled the Old Testament prophesies that a Messiah would come. He wanted us to see that as the Messiah Jesus is also to be seen as a King and totally worthy of our praise and worship of Him.

How did the gospel of Matthew presented of Jesus?

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I am guessing that you are asking what is the purpose of the book of Matthew... Matthew's biggest purpose seems to have been to tell say that Jesus truly fulfilled the Old Testament prophesies that a Messiah would come. He wanted us to see that as the Messiah Jesus is also to be seen as a King and totally worthy of our praise and worship of Him.

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