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King Philip was a fervent Catholic and did all in his power to battle the Lutheran heresy and stem its march to deprive people of their ability to attain heaven.

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Q: Why did King Philip want to restore all the Catholic churches?
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Was King Philip of Spain a Catholic?

Yes. King Philip I, II, III, and IV were all catholic; Roman Catholic.

Philip II of Spain was known as the?

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How did Philip II demonstrate that he saw himself as a defender of Catholicism?

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Who was the catholic king of spain who launched the spanish armada in an attempt to punish protestants in england?

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What was the religion of Phillip ii of Spain?

Philip II of Spain, May 21, 1527-September 13, 1598, as per Wikipedia, King Phillip II was Roman Catholic.

What is the Spanish translation of word KING?

'Los reyes catolicos' (The Catholic monarchs) were Ferdinand and Isabella

Did King Philip succeed in the KIng Philip War?

King Philip didn't succeed in the King Philip war. The colonists soon took over as King Philip failed to get rid of the colonists.

What caused Philip the second to turn to the Protestant's?

Philip II did not turn to Protestantism; he remained a devout Catholic and was a strong defender of the Catholic faith. He fought against Protestantism during his reign as the King of Spain and made efforts to suppress it in the Spanish territories.

Who was the king at the time of the Spanish Armada?

The King of Spain, Philip II, was a Catholic and began the naval war against England in 1588. He sent a huge war fleet to England for several reasons: A. To safeguard Spanish merchant ships and Spain's colonies against English raids; B. To depose the Protestant queen of England, Elizabeth I; and C. To restore Catholicism to England. The Spanish Armada met a huge storm that destroyed much of the King's fleet, and the English war ships ended the entire affair.

What were the failures of King Philip II of Spain?

Philip II of Spain was unable to control England through Mary. Elizabeth refused to marry him so he could not make England a Catholic nation again. He also failed to keep the Netherlands a Catholic naation.