Why is the sky blue why is water wet why did Judas grab the Romans while Jesus slept?
The sky is blue because of something called Rayleigh scattering.
Longer wavelengths of light pass through the atmosphere, while
shorter ones (i.e. blue) are absorbed.
Water is made of 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen (H2O). This
combination produces a polarized liquid. The term 'wet' is used to
describe any liquid - water falls into this category.
The common story of Judas (Iscariot, I assume) is that he sold
the location of Jesus to the Romans while Jesus was praying in the
Garden of Gethsemane (not sleeping). The common belief is that
Judas had been tempted by the devil to do this for temporal wealth
(which wasn't all that much), at the price of his eternal
salvation, and later turned into a persuasive biblical story.
A less common belief, held by Gnostic sects in the centuries
after Jesus' death, is that Judas Iscariot was the most honourable
disciple of Jesus, and the only one willing to let him go through
with his earthly mission of dying for the sins of the world. As
such, Jesus asked him to bring the Romans to him at the conclusion
of his prayer in the garden, and while he appeared to betray Jesus,
was the only one truly helping him with his purpose of being on
Or, he never recognized Jesus as godly in any way. He saw a
crazy person gaining momentum in the churches, and got on his side
for some free food and such. When the Romans called it quits, he
got on their good side (Jesus was screwed at this point).
As to what truly happened......who knows