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At he time The Bible was only available in Latin, which most people couldn't read. The translation to English made it directly available to the people. By the way are you sure it was Henry? Which one? You may want to check your history there.

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10y ago

John Wycliffe may have influenced its translation, but there is no claim during his lifetime that he did. This was claimed at least a generation after his death! If Wycliffe did have a part in translation, the proof escapes us. There was a demand by Preachers (the Lollards) to have a text in English - most ordinary folk were illiterate, and in any case lacked the money to purchase the costly scribe written manuscripts. Wycliffe's colleagues were certainly involved - Nicholas Hereford and John Trevisa (who is mentioned in the original preface to the King James Bible as being a translator (see link below for example). English as a language for academics was just coming into its own (rather than Latin and the Anglo-Norman French used by the educated -- and there were French versions of the Bible), and so the demand was actually quite low. The Lollards were suppressed, and the demand slowed down if not ended. There was not an absolute ban on translation, but unauthorized versions gained the Church's censure. It was only a hundred years later, with printing available was a renewed demand which made the Tyndale translation popular regardless of the censure -- and a year before Tyndale's death in 1535, a Bible appeared in English with the consent of the King.

The sale of indulgences (previous answer "give me money and I will assure you that God will forgive your sins.") came later than Wycliffe and through Martin Luther seeking reforms began the Reformation.

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12y ago

The bible had already been translated to English by at least 3 different people by the time King James authorized his version. John Wycliffe translated it to English about 250 yrs before but was persecuted by the church. King James needed a universal official translation.

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Q: Why did John Wycliffe translate the Bible into English?
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What year did John Wycliffe translate the Latin bible to English?

John Wycliffe completing translating the Bible into the English language in 1382. His works became known as the Wycliffe Bible, he did not personally translate all of the books of the Bible, specifically the Gospel accounts and possibly the entirety of the New Testament.

Who translate the bible from latin to English?

The first English translation of The Bible was done by John Wycliffe around 1380 AD.

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John Wycliffe was the theologian who was the first to translate the Bible into his native English. John Wycliffe was an English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, translator, reformer and university teacher at Oxford in England.

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John Wycliffe translated parts of the Bible into English.

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John Wycliffe translated the bible into the English language. 16.06.2010

When was the first translation of the Bible made into English?

John Wycliffe was the theologian who was the first to translate The Bible into his native English. John Wycliffe was an English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, translator, reformer and university teacher at Oxford in England.

Who published the first English Bible?

john wycliffe

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John Wycliffe, 1382 ====

When did John Wycliffe write the Bible into English?

about 1330-1384