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Jesus compared himself to a sowing seed because if you plant a seed of kindness or love you will harvest or reap kindness or love.

That means if you are nice or loving to someone they will probably be nice or loving back to you.

If you are mean and hateful to someone, chances are they will not like you again, and they will be mean back to you.

This is also where the saying "Do to others as you would have them do to you" comes from.

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Q: Why did Jesus compare himself to a sowing seed?
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Saturn is the planet named after the Roman god of seed sowing, Saturn.

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That which sows seed; a sowing-machine. Or a person can be a sower as well. It also means someone who spreads something. That could be sowing doubt in someone's mind.

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Alfred Ernest Panter has written: 'The seed is for sowing'

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Planet named after god of seed sowing?

Ummmm, Saturn - named for Cronos God of farming and time