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Jesus didnt commit suicide he was killed because of those who didn't believe in him and through his religion and the people that followed him was starting to be to strong so then they forced him to death.

Wrong....Jesus knew if he did what he did, he would be put to death not much unlike those who do the "cop by suicide" acts that we see today. So yes, he committed suicide for all mankind. He took the blame for all of us then did the deed. Ouch!.....makes you think, don't it?

Years ago, when The Bible was being written, people believed in animal and human sacrifice. Because the primitive people that wrote the bible believed in human sacrifice, they wrote the fable that their god sent his son to be violently tortured and sacrificed by commiting suicide. So their god brutally sacrificed his own son to himself by ordering his son, and making his own son commit sacrificial suicide.

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When Theseus went to kill the minotaur, Theseus' father asked that Theseus change the black sails of the death boat to white ( so he knew Theseus was alive). Theseus forgot to do this and his father dived off the cliff because of his grief.

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Q: Why did Jesus commit suicide?
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Why did Jesus commit suicide since he knew that to condemn the Jews and the Romans would be committing suicide like suicide by cop now a days?

Muslim view: Jesus did not commit suicide. In body, he was slain. Jesus, like all prophets, were tasked with the duty of delivering a message and scripture to a specific group of people. His audience didn't approve of him and since he couldn't look the other way, he was slain.

Did Jesus commit suicide by allowing himself to be killed?

not technically If you stand on a railroad tracks and you saw a train coming and you don't step aside, that would be suicide. If as you say, Jesus knows that he will be killed and did nothing to avoid it, then I think that is tantamount to Jesus committing suicide.

What does it mean to assist suicide?

it means you helped the person get the tools to commit suicide convinced them to commit suicide or gave them reason to commit suicide

Why did Judas commit suicide?

Judas Iscariot was one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He was the treasurer of the group and betrayed Jesus to be crucified. He later on committed suicide as he was weighed down with guilt of betraying his master.

What did hitler do at the end of the war?

Commit suicide

Which of these is correct commit a suicide or commit suicide and why?

It would be "commit suicide", because you do it to yourself, and can only do it (right) once. To "commit a suicide" would imply multiple are possible, which is not true, using the indefinite article, "a".

Did Oedipus commit suicide?

No does not suicide he blind himself .. Jocasta who commit suicide by his own hands

What is a fish that can commit suicide?

Fish can't commit suicide, no animal can.

How did Jonathan Taylor Thomas commit suicide?

He didn't commit suicide.

Did Corey Feldman commit suicide?

No, Corey Feldman did not commit suicide. This is a rumor.

What are the ways to commit assisted suicide?

Assisted suicide means that someone is helping someone commit suicide. Therefore it's any of the usual ways to commit suicide, just with someone helping.

Why did Jesus Christ commit suicide and why did God commit violence by sending his own son to be brutally tortured and killed?

Christians believe that Jesus did not commit suicide, but rather willingly sacrificed himself to save humanity from sin. God sending his son, Jesus, to be crucified is seen as an act of love and redemption, not violence. Christians believe that Jesus' death and resurrection bring salvation and reconciliation between God and humanity.