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Scripture reveals that Satan [Lucifer, when he and the angels were first created] had a throne ON EARTH and was standing on the earth when he proposed to himself, to depose God from His throne in heaven:

"For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN [I will 'go to heaven'], I will exalt MY THRONE above the stars of God [stars are Bible symbolism for angels - see Rev.1:20]... I will ascend above THE HEIGHTS OF THE CLOUDS[clouds are a phenomena WITHIN the earth's atmosphere]; I will be LIKE THE MOST HIGH [I will be God]." (Isa.14:13-14 KJV)

It was somewhere around this time that Satan and the angels he perverted and subverted into following him in his rebellion against God, launched his attack on God's throne in heaven:

"And THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN: Michael and HIS ANGELS fought against the Dragon [Satan]; and the Dragon fought and HIS ANGELS, and prevailed not; neither was there PLACE FOUND ANY MORE IN HEAVEN. And the great Dragon WAS CAST OUT, that Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he WAS CAST OUT INTO THE EARTH, and HIS ANGELS WERE CAST OUT WITH HIM." (Rev.12:7-9 KJV)

Angels are "spirit beings" that CANNOT DIE... so, "death" doesn't exist for them. And nowhere does The Bible say 'God is going to kill them.' They have only "eternal torment" when they are unable to possess someone or some thing and are 'cast out into outer darkness,' as is the prospects for their future; following JUDGMENT DAY -- which the Bible tells us will take place on the LAST GREAT DAY OF GOD'S PLAN: on the EIGHTH DAY... or immediately following Jesus Christ's millennial rule over the earth.

God sent these "sinning angels" packing right back down to earth, from whence they launched their attack against God's "third heaven," to CONFINE SIN TO THE EARTH UNTIL GOD'S PLAN IS COMPLETE... to RESTORE THAT BRANCH OF THE UNIVERSAL KINGDOM OF GOD BACK ON THE EARTH that Satan's rebellion perverted and destroyed in the beginning [the restoration of which awaits the return of Jesus Christ; the QUALIFIED returning KING who defeated Satan in the "temptation accounts" in Matthew and Luke's chapters 4]... and to REDEEM MANKIND BACK FROM SIN [man's slavery and bondage to the god they chose to worship and obey in the Garden of Eden]. To redeem mankind back from the destructively selfish, vain, lawless, deadly ways of the angels that sinned; who presently "rule this world," have been teaching mankind all about, so that man might learn and know and choose to reject when they realise that God is Truly offering them Eternal Life:

"For we are not fighting against PEOPLE made of flesh and blood, but... against those MIGHTY POWERS WHO RULE THIS WORLD, and against WICKED SPIRITS IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS." (Eph.6:12 NLT New Living Translation)

Satan and his angels CANNOT DIE. God is USING them, for the present time dispensation God has allotted to man, to teach man that he cannot rule himself without his Creator and His laws, and to teach them all about the bottomless depths of sin's despair, misery, suffering and death.

Satan and his demons are STILL HERE. They are still influencing and guiding the world... and man... toward the day of Christ's return... when they will gather deceived man to the place called Armageddon, to fight against the LORD.

God's plan is nearing its completion, and the Judgment draws nearer, when the demons that rule this world no longer will:

"...the FUTURE WORLD we are talking about WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED BY ANGELS." (Heb.2:5 NLT)

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This is a good question and has been asked by countless millions.

Satan's destruction is coming, but according to God's plan.

Jehovah promised relief to mankind when Adam and Eve sinned. This plan included eradicating evil, including the destruction of Satan.

Please see related links for more information.

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Q: Why did Jehovah not kill Satan?
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Is this a question?? Jehovah never resurrects Satan Satan is a demon, once an angel, who chose to disobey God he will be destroyed after Christ millennial reign

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If you mean God, he did not kill Satan.

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Jehovah hands down. Satan doesn't stand a chance against the Almighty God. Before Satan became evil, he was once an angel created by God. The Devil only has the power of an angel. So he would be dunzo in a snap of a finger. In fact, in the near future, there WILL be a great war between the two called Armageddon and during this war, jehovah will use his son Jesus to destroy Satan and all his wicked forces. Jehovah's name will finally be sanctified and the challenge Satan raised about him in the garden of Eden will be answered: He is the rightful ruler of mankind. Armageddon will prove that Satan will lose against God. (Revelation 16: 14-16)

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Yes, but only if you follow Satans footsteps he can kill you anytime, but if you follow Gods footsteps he can't kill you, but if he killed someone who believes in God, God will fight the Devil, on destruction day.

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