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He did not stay at those inns because they looked to expensive.

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Q: Why did Ishmael not stay at the the Crossed Harpoons Inn or the Sword-Fish Inn?
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Why did ishmael not stay at the crossed harpoons inn or sword-fish inn?

they were both too expensive & jolly

Why did Ishmael not stay at the crossed harpoons inn or the sword-fish inn?

Ishmael did not stay at the Crossed Harpoons Inn or the Sword-Fish Inn because they were full or did not have accommodations available for him. He ended up at the Spouter-Inn where he met Queequeg and they became roommates.

How long does the swordfish stay with their parents?

500 years and 2 days

Did ishmael and queequeg stay at the whaler's inn?

No, Ishmael and Queequeg did not stay at the Whaler's Inn. They stayed at the Spouter-Inn in New Bedford before embarking on their whaling journey in the novel "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville.

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Not normally

Can a rottweiler stay small?

If it is a purebreed then NO but if it is crossed with a smaller breed of dog , Yes it could stay smallish

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What does the idiom keep your fingers crossed mean?

Keeping your fingers crossed is a gesture that means you are hopeful about something. It means "stay hopeful that it will occur as you wish it to."

If you cross your eyes and get slapped on the back will your eyes stay crossed forever?

No, that is illogical thinking. Think about your question.

How did the first horse arrive in the Plains?

the first horse arravied when they where freezing in Asia and a brige was made of ice which some crossed and others sized to stay and parish. others arived with the spanish conqerers. the first horse arravied when they where freezing in Asia and a brige was made of ice which some crossed and others sized to stay and parish. others arived with the spanish conqerers.

What do you do when it is time for a communion at a cathloic funeral and you are not cathloic?

You can either stay in the bench or approach the priest with both hands crossed over chest and you will receive his blessing