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because their sons each acted more like the other

Each son had qualities that appealed to either Isaac or Rebekah. "The boys grew up, and Esau became a skilled hunter, a man who loved the outdoor life, but Yacob was a quiet man who stayed at home. Isaac preferred Esau, because he enjoyed eating the animals Esau killed, but Rebecca preferred Yacob." (Genesis 25:27-28).

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Q: Why did Isaac and Rebekah each have a favorite son?
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What was Isaac and Rebecca son's names?

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Rebekah (or Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac, son of Abraham, in the Bible. The meaning of the name is "to tie firmly," or "to be secured." It comes from the ancient Hebrew.

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Who was Rebekah in the Bible?

Rebecca was the sister of Laban (Genesis 24) and was secured as a bride for Isaac. She was the mother of Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:19-26). She was taken by Abimelech as sister of Isaac; returned (Genesis26:1-11). She encouraged Jacob to trick Isaac out of blessing (Genesis 27:1-17).

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Who is ismail?

There are several people of that name, but you're probably thinking of Ishmael, the son of Abraham. In Jewish tradition, Ishmael was Abraham's first son but Isaac, his second, was his favorite. In Muslim tradition, Ishmael was the favorite son. This is understandable if you know that Isaac is considered the father of the Hebrews (Jews) and Ishmael the father of the Arabs. _______________________________________________ Both Abraham's sons; Ismael and Isaac; are favorite to prophet Abraham 9peace be upon them all). However, Ismael was the oldest son and helped prophet Abraham in rebuilding Kaaba. Ismael is grandfather of Muslims (not Arabs) as well as Isaac is the grandfather of Jews