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God created all people but He did not make them evil. All people have free choice. If people prefer to live wanton, destructive lives, that is their choice and not something they were created with.

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Q: Why did God create evil people only so they could burn in Hell later?
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the hell we create for ourselves

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No, it is not wrong telling someone to go to hell. It is however, looked at as being rude. Some people may say it out of frustration and then feel bad later.

Do people visit hell by dream?

This is actually quite possible, depending on your religion. If you feel that you have done something that could send you to Hell (according to your religion), then you may visit Hell as a warning to straighten up your act.

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Because of we sinners

Will you burn to death in hell?

No. People in hell will already be physically dead. I think hell will be hell because in this place people are separated from God.

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Fresh Hell - 2011 A Short Time Later - 2.1 was released on: USA: 23 March 2012

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In the Christian religion, God sends people to hell as an eternal punishment for their sins. whether or not hell really exists, the fear of hell is often enough to keep people faithful to the Church.

What are the release dates for Fresh Hell - 2011 A Short Time Later 2-1?

Fresh Hell - 2011 A Short Time Later 2-1 was released on: USA: 23 March 2012

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