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because he our descendent and creater of religion.

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Q: Why did God call Ezekiel son of man?
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Who was the prophet that God addressed as son of man?

It was Ezekiel but all prophets can be referred to in this way because they are all sons of Adam

Ezekiel in The Bible?

Yes, in the Book of Ezekiel. Curiously, the name Ezekiel is used only 2 times. All other references to him are 'son of man.'

Was Jesus a god or a man?

jesus was a man who was god's son

What did God and Jesus call humans?

Son of God.

Is god a men?

Remember there are three parts of god..God the father, God the son, And god the holy spirit. God the father is in heaven, god the son was jesus..And he was a man. god the holy spirit is a spirit. so god was a man.. It was his son..He who died for your sins.

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You would call him a god

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What does the Son of Man means?

The "Son of Man" is a name often given to Jesus Christ. He is the son of God, but lived as a human, so he is sometimes called the son of man.

Why in Mark's Gospel do the Jews say truly you are the Son of God?

In Mark's Gospel, only outsiders call Jesus the Son of God. Another example occurs in Mark 3:11-12, when the demons fall down and call Jesus the Son of God, but Jesus is quick to instruct them to tell no one, thus no more than an implied admission. In Mark 15:39, the centurion also exclaims, "Truly this man was the Son of God."

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Your sister's son will call you his uncle, if you are a man, or his aunt, if you are a woman.

Who was the first son?

The first son is Adam because God created him. Even though he was a man, he was still God's son.

Who is Jesus chist?

Yes and still is.