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In the first creation account (Genesis 1:!-2:4a), God arranged creation in the order: (1) light of day; (2) a firmament; (3) grass, herbs and trees; (4) the sun, moon and stars; (5) fish and fowl; (6) every living creature on the land; (7) man, both male and female.

In the second creation story (Genesis 2:4b-20), God arranged creation in the order: (1) a man, Adam; (2) the Garden of Eden; (3) every beast of the field and fowl of the air; (4) a woman, Eve.

In the first story, the light of day was created first so that there could be day and night, and therefore we can count the six days of creation. The firmament was created as a dome fixed just above the earth, in order to separate the waters above from those below, and also so that God would be able to fix the sun, moon and stars into it. Having separated the waters above, God was able to gather the waters below, so that there would be dry land. Plants were created before animals because they were food for the animals. Men and women were created last, to have dominion over all other living creatures.

In the second story, a man was created first, followed by the paradise called the Garden of Eden, for man to live in. God then created all the living creatures, one by one, for the man to choose one as a helpmeet. When Adam was unable to find a suitable partner among all the beasts and fowls, God created a woman, Eve. Adam was to be the servant of the earth.

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10y ago

If God made the world, he must have made it in a certain order, so that the laws of nature were obeyed and the universe, and the life that eventually evolved on it, were sustainable.

He must have made the some of the stars before the sun; the sun before the Earth and other planets; the sun before night and day, and before the grasses and trees; fish before land animals; some animals before those that evolved later; Man, both male and female, after most, but not all, other animal species. All this is necessary in order for the universe to work. He must have made the universe and the earth which forms a minute part of that universe, in an almost completely different order than that described in The Bible.
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9y ago

In the first creation account (Genesis 1:!-2:4a), God arranged creation in the order: (1) light of day; (2) a firmament; (3) grass, herbs and trees; (4) the sun, moon and stars; (5) fish and fowl; (6) every living creature on the land; (7) man, both male and female.

In the second creation story (Genesis 2:4b-20), God arranged creation in the order: (1) a man, Adam; (2) the Garden of Eden; (3) every beast of the field and fowl of the air; (4) a woman, Eve.

In the first story, the light of day was created first so that there could be day and night, and therefore we can count the six days of creation. The firmament was created as a dome fixed just above the earth, in order to separate the waters above from those below, and also so that God would be able to fix the sun, moon and stars into it. Having separated the waters above, God was able to gather the waters below, so that there would be dry land. Plants were created before animals because they were food for the animals. Men and women were created last, to have dominion over all other living creatures.

In the second story, a man was created first, followed by the paradise called the Garden of Eden, for man to live in. God then created all the living creatures, one by one, for the man to choose one as a helpmeet. When Adam was unable to find a suitable partner among all the beasts and fowls, God created a woman, Eve. Adam was to be the servant of the earth.Not only are these accounts quite different to each other, even in such details as the order in which God created things, but they are both vastly different from what science tells us really happened. For more information, please visit:

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