If you mean why didn't God just free them since he is omnipotent this is because he wanted humans to have free will and that he would not interfere with the people or countries on Earth. If you are then asking then why did he do the 10 plagues in Egypt. This is because Moses was given a choice by God to free them and he did it in his own will and the plagues were not affecting the free will they were signs to Ramses (Pharaoh of Egypt) that God was real and to let his people go.
Moses was the most righteous man (Numbers ch.12, Deuteronomy ch.34) and therefore the best choice to convey the Torah to the Israelites. See also the Related Link.
More about Moses
Moses' strength is to face danger, face pharaoh, and had the right to speak God's words for God.
Through the Burning Bush.
That he does not speak well.
The first time Moses heard gods voice was from the burning bush.
Moses was looking after the flocks of sheep, when God did speak to him, he attracted Moses while talking to him from te burning bush and asking him to go to Pharaoh.
Moses went to Mount Sinai to speak to God, and collect the ten commandments.
Oh yes he did speak to many other people beside Moses.. They were the major and minor prophets.
As Moses was stammering god told Moses that Aaron would speak for him, and Aaron was Moses helper to the promised land.
It is considere dimportant as God came down to earth and to speak and choose Moses from the burning bush.
God spoke to Moses from a burning bush, not Patrick.