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There were two reasons Catholics were initially banned from Georgia Colony. First of all, it was never formed as a refuge for religious tolerance. Rather, a second chance for debtors. Unfortunately, religious tolerance didn't spread far enough in most of the colonies to include either Catholics or Jews. A second reason is a land dispute with Spain over Florida. Catholics were suspect, and some believed they would be loyal to practitioners of their faith like the Spanish rather than their neighbors.

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Because discrimination on the basis of religion is wrong. Catholics were not permitted in the early days because England saw Georgia as a kind of Anglican colony for debtors and a bulwark against the Catholic Spanish in Florida (St. Augustine). Four Irishmen, who sailed with General Oglethorpe, the colony's founder, actually set foot on the banks of the Savannah River where the City of Savannah was founded, before the English colonists. The Irish were considered more expendable in those days. General Oglethorpe eventually permitted Portuguese Jews in the Colony. It was inevitable that Georgia would admit Catholics and Lawyers (the two groups that were originally not permitted in the colony). Anyway this is America.

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Because of previous conflict between the protestants

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Q: Why did Georgia not welcome Catholics?
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