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God started Christianity. He was the one who made everyone, and the reason you are here today. We, the people worship him and give him praise for what he has done for us.

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8y ago

Christianity started after the departure of Jesus. The disciples felt the need to spread the message, and therefore the name followers of Christ.

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Q: Why did Christianity started?
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What event started Christianity?

AnswerChristians believe that the event that really started Christianity was the resurrection of Jesus.

Where did Christianity Judaism and Islam start?

answer1. Islam started in 600-800 CE2. Christianity sarted in 20-200 CE3. judaism stated 4000 years agoanswerActually, the previous answer doesn't say where these religions started.Judaism and Christianity started in Israel. Islam started in Saudi Arabia.

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Christianity started in Israel, with the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ.

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No, in Palestine

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Where the religion started Christianity?

God started Christianity through Christ in Israel first, then it spread to other nations who loved God.

Which countries started Christianity?

Christianity started in Judea in present day Israel, which was a province of the Roman Empire. It then spread around this empire.

How did Judaism and Christianity start?

Judaism & Christianity started with God's Covenant with Abraham.

Where is Christianity started?

It started in Rome (Not the Middle East) and spread quickly.

What person started the religion of Christianity?

Jesus Christ is the originator of CHRISTianity (named for Christ)

Where did the ideas of Christianity start?

The ideas of Christianity started in Judea with the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Why was the Christianity religion started?

I believe Christianity was started becaus After Jesus Christ died and returned to heaven, he needed a group of followers to spread the good news. they were the christians. that's how it started