Actually the Buddha did not. The big belly representations are cultural images as are most others.
would be most likely at the time of his awakening.
The original Buddha (Bodhisattva) depended on begging for alms to survive.
The Buddha was at times in his life many weights. As a prince he was well fed and athletic so we may assume he was at least stocky. When he startde his search for enlightenment he first tried to do so by the ascetic lifestyle (starvation and privation) and reduced his body to skin and bones, he then embarked on the muddle way in all things. This middle way would provide him with enough food for a healthy life and together with his active lfestyle of waking about teaching would have resulted in a healthy weight - although on th e thin side by the standards of the Western world. Note the "fat Buddha" in Chinese restaurants is not an actual representations of the Buddha but symbols of prosperity and happiness embodied by Hotei.
Big Belly Laughing Buddha in Chinese language....
The Buddha is not depicted with a big belly in Tibetan or Indian art. The big belly seems to be a Chinese thing. [Addendum: My Chinese cultural consultant says that the big-bellied Buddha is most certainly Maitreya, the future Buddha. The big belly represents being full of potential.]
Some people call him Milo Fo, but his reference name is simply Budai. He is a reincarnation of Maitreya who is a bodhisattva, due to become our next Buddha.
The big belly buddha is a round chubby man usually gold, with a happy grin on his face. Put gold coins underneath him or rub his belly to get good luck, hi-5
Actually from what i have heard is that it is actually disrespectful to rub his belly...he was a teacher of knowledge and enlightenment not of food. (The Buddha who gets his belly rubbed is the Laughing Buddha, aka Hotei. No relation to the one who started Buddhism.)
Hotei/laughing Buddha. He was not a god he was a guru, who is said to be the return of the Buddha!
Rubbing a Buddha's belly is a symbolic gesture that is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. To do so, gently rub the Buddha's belly in a clockwise direction while making a wish or saying a positive affirmation. It is important to approach this act with respect and sincerity.
Big Buddha bags can be purchased directly from the Big Buddha website. In addition, the bags from this brand can be found at Amazon, Zappos, and Macy's.
As big as your belly button.
well its as big as its belly because when you look at whales belly it is really big
Daibutsu _____ This is not correct, Daibutsu means "Big Buddha" (大 = big, 仏 = Buddha), and is most often used to refer to large Buddha statues. Buddha is simply "仏", pronounced "futsu/butsu" or "hotoke", depending on context (and who you ask).
I have heard that it is just a sign of good luck. Some people who have a Buddha statue in there households rub Buddhas belly and ears each day.