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Mormons CAN eat chocolate, or it's at least never been specifically prohibited. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are counseled to be good stewards over their bodies, meaning that our bodies are gifts from God and should therefore be treated well. The Church has counseled against drinking caffeinated beverages or other habit-forming substances, but has never instituted this as an official position or a commandment; those who choose to drink caffeine are under no condemnation but are asked to be moderate in consuming it. Because chocolate has small amounts of caffeine, some Church members may choose to abstain from chocolate, but the Church itself has never spoken to this issue. Without an official position to go by, Church members are best to simply follow the general counsel to have moderation in all things; leaders have even echoed a popular sentiment that any virtue taken to an extreme can become a vice.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) can eat chocolate. They believe in having a healthy diet in order to care for the bodies that God has given them, but most see no harm in having some chocolate or candy once in awhile. Essentially, the only foods they avoid are tobacco, drugs, alcohol, coffee, and tea.

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13y ago

Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" curch) can eat whatever they want. A large majority of Church members choose to follow a health code called the "Word of Wisdom" which they believe was revealed by God.

The Word of Wisdom prohibits the use of tobacco, alcohol, 'hot drinks' (tea and coffee), illegal drugs, and other 'harmful and addictive substances'. It advocates a diet of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and using meats sparingly. Chocolate is never mentioned and is consumed by nearly all Mormons, just not in excess.

Check out the "Related Links" below to learn more about the Mormon health code and other Mormon beliefs.

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Q: Why cant Mormons eat chocolate?
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no, one you cant eat it, two its to expensive

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There are a lot of chocolates we can eat, but the ones that have gelatin or glycerin in them we cant eat.

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you cant know chocolate, but you can eat it !but if you mean do i know what chocolte is yes it is a certian kind of food (sweet )

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i dont know what you mean by the late part but dogs cant get worms from chocolate

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Dogs should not eat chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, avocados, alcohol, and foods containing xylitol as these can be toxic to them. It's important to avoid feeding your dog foods that may cause gastrointestinal upset or harm their health.

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they can, but it might make them sick. The only things that dogs cant eat are grapes, rasins, and chocolate.

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I love chocolate but it never fills you up so you eat more and more and end up fat so just eat something healthy because however much you eat you cant turn