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Though such question requires direct answer, I must note that, the jurisprudance of Islam is derived basically from Quran. And since Quran does not mention tattos by name (whether its permissiblity or ban) muslims refer to other sources. And that is where differences come into play. And that's why we have different jurisprudential schools of thoughts (such as, hanafi, shafi, jafari, maliki, hanbali, zaydi, etc.) in Islam. So, the answer might change according to the school of thought you subscribe to. And each school of thought mentions their reason of accepting or rejection. And, below, I will list main views on this issue;

Some Muslims, namely sunnis, oppose tattoos because, they believe,

1) Tatoo is a change in God's creation. And since the change in God's creation is a temptation and misleading by the devil/shaitan (4:119), it is forbidden.

2) Tattos make wudhu and ghusl (ablutions) void, since it blocks water reach the skin.

Some Muslims, namely shiites, accept tattos because, they agree that,

1) Chapter 4, verse 119 in Quran, "...I will bid them so that they shall alter God's creation..." refers to the changing of the religion, not reshaping or beautifying the nature and the body.

2) Real tattos are under the skin, not on the skin, thus, it does not stop water from reaching the skin. So, ablution on tattoos is valid.

3) In most eastern cultures, muslim women usually have hennas which is accepted legal in all islamic denominations. And accepting henna but rejecting tattoos is like mistaking culture and traditions with religion. If henna is permissible, and it is, there shouldn't be an objection to tattoos.

And I agree with the second group here. That, real tattoos do not make ablution void, since they are under the skin. And that Quran 4:119 refers to the change in religion. It is not about changing (reshaping, beautifying, etc.) the body. Otherwise many islamic practices, such as male circumcision would be a change in God's creation, but, they are not so. Neither tattoos are a change in creation (religion). Thus, it is permissible in Islam.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. Getting any kind of tatoo is forbidden. It was narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that tattooing is haraam (forbidden). It was narrated that Abu Juhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos, the one who has a tattoo done, the one who consumes riba (usury or interest) and the one who pays it, and he forbade the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute, and he cursed the image-makers." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5032).

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βˆ™ 9y ago

i talked to a Muslim lad at my work when i got my first tattoo, he said Muslims cant get tattoos and they especially cant get what i had (a swallow) because to draw an eye is sacrilege, because it means you think your the creator, that's my (extremely uneducated) answer
No a muslim cannot have a tattoo

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In the Book of Leviticus, God commanded the Israelites to not to have tattoos (Lev. 19:28)

However, it is believed that the coming of Christ nullified the law of Moses, and that the laws preached by Christ in the Gospels are the commandments by which a christian must live, and no command regarding tattoos is made. For most Christians, it is simply a question of morality and holiness. A christian is taught to respect their body, as it is the "temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

For this reason, a tattoo of a cross, a verse, or an animal and the like might be acceptable, as opposed to a gun or a skull etc.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Praise be to Allaah.

Tattooing, in which the skin is pierced with a needle and a blue or other coloured dye is injected, is haraam in all forms, whether it causes pain or not, because it involves changing the creation of Allaah, and because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one for whom that is done. In al-Saheehayn it is narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "May Allaah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who pluck their eyebrows and those who file their teeth for the purpose of beautification and alter the creation of Allaah." (al-Bukhaari, al-Libaas, 5587; Muslim, al-Libaas, 5538).

With regard to all these matters, the ahaadeeth testify that the one who does them is cursed and that they are major sins. There is some difference of scholarly opinion as to the reason why they are forbidden. It was said that it is because they are a form of deception, and it was said that it is because it is a way of changing the creation of Allaah, as Ibn Mas'ood said - which is more correct and also includes the first meaning. And it was suggested that what is forbidden is only that which is permanent, because that is changing the creation of Allaah; as for that which is not permanent, such as kohl which used for adornment by women, that is permitted by the scholars. (Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 5/393).

So if what is referred to in the question is that which is not permanent, then it is not a tattoo as such and does not change the creation of Allaah. See question no. 8904.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because the ink has to be injected in to your skin and the ink is harraam

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βˆ™ 12y ago

No because muslims cannot pray namaz while the tattoo is on the body.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

In the Qu'ran, it states that having images on your skin is in fact, haram- therefore, no, Muslims are not permitted to get tattoos.

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