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Frankly speaking, I do not think you should want just any "Christians" interpreting for you passages from The Bible. As G.K. Chesterson once said, "Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car." One of Christianity's biggest problems it faces in the 21st century is lack of credibility. This is due mostly from prosperity and word of faith preachers who twist scripture to serve their own best interests. Proper Bible study and following the principles of biblical interpretation will allow you to understand for yourself the nature of the Bible and how to approach it with the right attitude. Some of these principles are:

  • Determine the correct meaning of each word and phrase.
  • Consider the context of the text.
  • Bear in mind customs, circumstances, and thought forms of the time.
  • Interpret each passage in harmony with divine revelation as a whole.
  • Use helpful resources such as an Encyclopedia of Bible Knowledge, Topical concordance, Center Column Reference System, Life of Christ, Concordance, and Maps.

John Wesley counseled that "serious and earnest prayer should be constantly used before we consult the oracles of God." He went on to say that Scripture can be understood only by the Spirit who gave it. And so our attitude in approaching Scripture should be a humble desire that the Holy Spirit help us to understand the text we are reading and studying.

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The Bible was not written for people today; it was written for people living two to three thousand years ago. If Christians read a passage today, they first have to decide what meaning they would like to find in the passage, then find a way of making it mean just what they want it to mean. This takes practice.

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Q: Why can Christians not read any passage in the Bible and know immediately what it means for people today?
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