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Not all Muslims eat with their hands. But, there are several reasons why some do. It is reported that Rasool Allah ate with his hands, and that if you wash your hands before eating, you know that the utensil you are using is clean.

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Elnora Hickle

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2y ago
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15y ago

This custom isn't confined to Muslims, and goes back partly to the days when proper sanitation - and toilet paper - wasn't an option, and fresh water for washing wasn't readily available. These conditions still apply, of course, in many parts of the world. So, to put it delicately, one hand is reserved for handling food while the other is kept for other purposes, and this tradition is maintained even in modern kitchens. I was privileged to watch, in an Indian kitchen, chefs and assistants working with one hand behind their backs at a speed I couldn't reach with both hands and possibly even an extra arm!

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13y ago

Muslims eat with their right hand as the right hand represents all things good and just whereas the left hand is known as the hand of the devil.( nothing offensive to left handed people) they believe that the left hand should be used to clean ones parts so should not be used for eating.

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13y ago

They cant pick it up because they are to week.

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Q: Why Muslims eat with their hands?
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Not all Muslims eat with their hands. But, there are several reasons why some do. It is reported that Rasool Allah ate with his hands, and that if you wash your hands before eating, you know that the utensil you are using is clean.

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not all of them almost all of the muslims eat with their five fingers without the food touching their Palms. It depends on what country, but Muslims overwhelmingly use silverware. There are some areas where it is more traditional to eat with your hands. _______________________________________________________ Sure they do as all other people in the world. Nothing in Islam religion rules and teachings is against using utensils to eat. It is not true that all Muslims eat with their five fingers except in some special areas with eating special food types or styles.

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They are Muslims, so they do eat what all other Muslims eat - halal food. And no pork!

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Muslims are allowed to eat meat with bones (but of course not eating bones). Refer to question below for what meat allowed for Muslims to eat.