You can swear in front of a Mormon, but it will be very offensive to them. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that inappropriate language is offensive to God.
The Church-published pamphlet "For the Strength of Youth" says this about swearing and inappropriate lanugage:
"Choose friends who use good language. Help others improve their language by your example. Be willing to politely walk away or change the subject when those around you use inappropriate language."
There is no law that says, "if a member of the LDS church swears, they get kicked out immediately!" We try to use clean language, however, just like anyone else, we can swear. We can swear, but we chose not to.
swear, sleep, talk, laughing jag, forget prayer/ hymn, sneeze, and one more i cant remember
swear words or innapropriate words.
Justin bieber has been known to swear with his friends sometimes, He wouldn't ever swear in front of any of his family or fans, He is a good person and wouldn't ever swear in front of people besides his friends (rarely)
Theres one that is for five letters, Milkshuck I cant tell it.
lake titycocka you shmuckers i cant swear so i had to say shuckers haha
The future.
pray that they dont get evil leprechauns to attack you I didn't swear Mr/ Mrs, and then say a word which rhymes with the swearword u used
this site is so AWESOME i cant even explain kuz i dont want to swear