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A black cassock with scarlet piping is a street cassock for a Cardinal, while his choir cassock (the one he wears for Mass and services) is scarlet colored.

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Q: Why black cassock and others are red for cardinals?
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What articles of a Catholic Cardinal's clothing are traditionally red?

Cardinals wear things that are scarlet, including a cassock, mozzetta, biretta and zucchetto. They also sometimes wear red socks.

What color do Catholic Cardinals wear?

The defining costume color of a Roman Catholic Cardinal is scarlet red. The daily wear of a Cardinal is a cassock, a long button-front robe that is ordinarily black, except in the tropics where it may be white. The Cardinal's cassock is trimmed with red and worn with a broad red sash around the waist. More formal wear is the Choir Vestment or Choir Dress outfit, featuring a scarlet red cassock, over which is worn a white lace-trimmed robe called a rochet, along with a scarlet red cape called a mozzeta, and a scarlet red hat (biretta) or cap.

What are the uniform colors for the Arizona Cardinals?

Cardinal red, white, black

What do you call the black or red or white vestment worn by altar servers and priest?

If an altar server is wearing a black or red vestment that is full length that is called a cassock. A short white vestment worn over the black or red long vestment is called a surplice. A white vestment if full length is called an alb .

Why do some cardinals were red and others purple?

The ones wearing purple are not cardinals, they are bishops.

What small Pennsylvania bird is black with a white chest?

Cardinal cardinals are red.

What color is a cardinals eye?

like the bird? well, they are red w/ black.

Why does the Pope wear white?

The tradition of the Pope wearing a white Cassock started with Pope Pius V who was a Dominican, and instead of adopting the red worn by previous Popes, he continued to wear his Dominican Habit [with the distinctions of his Office, of course] Each level of the Church's hierarchy has its traditional color: popes wear white, cardinals wear red, bishops wear violet and priests wear black.

What the teams for Super Bowl 2009?

The Cardinals (arizona red and white) And the Steelers (pittsburg gold and black)

What are the colors of the 2009 Super Bowl teams uniforms?

steelers - black & gold cardinals - red & white

Do you have a picture of the cardinal with black head?

Ok so cardinals are red but there is also a cardinal with a black head and you just need to go to "".

What vestments does a sacristan wear?

Answer A Cathlolic priest who is a monsignor (an honorary title) wears the same vestments as any priest when celebrating the Eucharist. The colour of a monsignorial cassock is different from that of a priest. There are three levels of monsignor: Chapain: Black cassock with purple trim and purple sash. Honorary Prelate: Black cassock with red trim and purple sash. On formal occasions they wear a purple cassock. They do not wear a pectoral cross or a skull cap as do bishops. Apostolic Protonotary: These dress in the same manner as honorary prelates, but have the option of using a purple cape (trimmed in red) on formal occasions.