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A:Far from being banned from Rome in its earliest days, Christianity seems to have found a place there almost from the beginning. Paul wrote to the Roman Christians, and appears to have intended to visit them. A few years later, the Great Fire of Rome was thought to have broken out in the area of Rome where Christians were known to congregate, leading Emperor Nero to blame them, probably unfairly, for starting the fire. Christianity seems to have been well established in Rome by 95 CE, when Clement of Rome wrote his epistle now known as 1 Clement. By the third century, the Christian Church owned properties and imposing churches in Rome.
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Because it was a new religion and they thought it was a sect, so they persecuted and killed the Christians.

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Q: Why at first the Romans banned Christianity in Rome?
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How is Rome important in the fields of Christianity?

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We do not know how or when Christianity first arrived in Rome, but Paul's Epistle to the Romans demonstrates a flourishing Christian community existed there when he proposed his visit to Rome, on his way to Spain.

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the Romans religion was Christianity

Why did rome tolerate the eastern mystery religions but persecute early Christianity?

Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.Rome tolerated the eastern mystery cults because they posed no threat to the empire. The Romans were very tolerant of othes' religious beliefs and only banned or persecuted them if they were decadent or treasonous. Christianity was considered both.

Why did romans fear christianity?

They blamed Christians for the fire that burned Rome.

How did Christianity spread to Rome?

oddly enough Rome banned christianity prosecuted hundreds if not thousands of christians, until oneday on the eve of a battle a general by the name of Constantine saw a crossin the sky and woke up his soldiers and told them to paint a cross on their shields, and then when they charged into battle they stood up in the battlefield victorious. later the capital of the now Holy Roman Empire became Constantinople.

What was the Main contribution of the Romans to architecture?

the dome. Rome's key contribution was its support and encouragement of Christianity.

Who first allowed Christianity in ancient Rome?


Why did the Romans forget god?

Romans saw Christianity as treason against the Roman empire. The christian god belonged to a whole different religion which was illegal in ancient Rome. Christians were persecuted and killed by the Romans publicly to warn others. This continued to happen until Christianity was legalized.

Which cult was outlawed in Rome in 186 b.c. for a period of time and what did the Romans do to its members?

They banned the Bacchanalia, which originated from the Greek Dionysiac festival .

Did Paul spread Christianity throughout Rome?

No. Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans before he had ever gone to Rome, proving that there was already a well-established Christian community there.

How did Judaism spread through Rome?

I think you mean Christianity. Judaism was tolerated by the Romans but never adopted as their main religion.