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yes according to the definition a feeble mind could be and can be easily convinced into fanatical religious practices be influential people with vast vocabularies and or p[professionally trained speakers and brainwashing Propaganda by manipulating manners of speaking

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Q: Why are weak minded people drawn to controlling hypocritical religions?
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What do you call someone who protects his own religion but criticize and rumoured about other religions?

We call those people "Hypocritical".

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The difference between international minded people, and national minded people is where they have their focus. National minded people think only in terms of their country. International minded people are more focused on the world.

Why are religions very hypocritical?

Many people who espouse strong beliefs on a whole range of issues are hypocrites, This can apply to religious leaders and, to some extent, even to religions. Some Catholic priests who preach sexual abstinence can turn out to be sexually active. Some televangelists have also turned out to be promiscuous or to live lavish lifestyles while preaching Christian virtues. However, on the whole, religions and religious leaders are not really hypocritical.

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Socrates' beliefs were not hypocritical - he led people to think for themselves.Athenians were not hypocritical, they followed their beliefs. Did yo mean some other word?

What are the disadvantages of theocracy?

A theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. A disadvantage of theocracy is, it doesn't allow you to be open minded about other ideas or religions. Another disadvantage is that people of other religions would not feel as if they have a say in the laws or rules of the country.

How Can Hypocritical Conservatives Be Defeated Once and For All?

Somehow increase their IQ points to at least above 95. Then they would shut up and come to their senses. But seriously, you can't get through to those people. They hide behind religion for everything. And the most religions ones are the most hypocritical (i.e. lust, adultery, gluttony, all the fun sins). Whiney bastards. Their money covers for everything.

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why is a political party led by like minded people

How do you dealt with cynical and hypocrisy?

I mean overall everyone is semi-hypocritical in different areas. My best answer is just to not engage in a lot of activities with people that are commonly cynical or hypocritical.

What was the Roman government's position on religion in the centuries BC?

The Romans were actually pretty open minded and tolerant towards other religions, but only if they did not cause any problems, probably such as trying to convert others, protesting, causing riots, etc.

What is fickle minded people?

A fickle minded person are people that often change their mind according to difficulties. it is an unnoticed weakness that many people have.

What is being like minded?

People who are 'like minded' are in agreement about something. An example would be a group of people who find out they are all like minded regarding the proper way to milk a sheep.

Why don't people just look up this stuff on Google?

Probably for the same reason people are hypocritical.