No. The Buddhists have several important text, but the "Scriptures" (usually referring to the Bible) are not among them.
he was a prophet
It's important to the particular church, which scriptures are accepted as official. It's good also, to do some reading on your own and come to your own conclusions.
Hebrew scriptures are continued in Christianity. One segment of modern Hebrews are formed by the Christians.
The "holy scriptures" of other religions (the Christian Bible. the Qur'an, etc.) are only important as philosophical works. Buddhist has no holy scriptures of its own as the word "holy" would identify a godly origin. There is no god in Buddhism, thus no god given origin of scriptures. Buddhist texts and books (e.g. the Heart Sutra) are important as they contain discussions and arguments for the Buddhist wold view.
yes. Like any other religious scriptures, they teach people to understand their purpose of life and how to lead it.
Scripture is important as they tell of Jesus birth told by the prophets. and what will also happen in the future.
He is known to be the last king of Babylon. There is his history in The Bible as well as extra biblical scriptures.
AnswerNo. The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch.The Septuagint ('LXX') was an early Greek translation of all the Hebrew scriptures. It certainly began with the translation of the Pentateuch, as these were regarded as the five most important scriptures, but the project continued until all the scriptures were available to the Jews of the diaspora, who could not read the scriptures in Hebrew.
Scriptures are religious texts.
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No. Judaism does not believe the New Testament to be a Holy Book in its traditions.