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its not why its how- our G-d of Israel (one G-d of all- Hashem) is keeping us alive; He(G-d the Father of Israel and the Isrealites or Jews) is keeping His children (His students who indulge themselves into the beauty and goodness of Torah of demolishing evil from the universe) alive to indulge their souls into the beauty, perfection, and goodness of The Torah for each and everyday of eternity

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because of their history and the knowledge of how fleeting it is

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12y ago

because they are beautiful 4eva

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Q: Why are the Jews still alive today from all that killing?
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They are believed to have originated around 2000 BCE and they are still alive today. They have been in existence for approximately 4000 years. Today they are called "Jews".

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It was awful/criminal/evil/horrible/bad.

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there are still Jews around today.

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No, there are plenty of the Jewish faith still alive in the world.

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Yes. And they still do today.

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No, and the Holocaust was about killing the people, not about killing the faith.

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Are there still Jews alive?

Yes, as of 2012 there are about 14 million Jews in the world. Most live in Israel and the United States.

How many people still live from the time of when Hitler was killing all the Jews?

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