The reason why men and women go to the mosque is to worship Allah subhana wa'tala. If men and women are intermixed, then temptations amongst them will rise to the surface i.e men staring at women with lust and vice versa, socialising and having lustful imaginations, as this is one of Iblis (Shaitan) traps. Therefore men and women will be distracted from their main objective of going to the mosque, which is to solely worship Allah subhana wa'tala with constant remembrance. For that reason, Islam strictly forbids both sexes intermixing and introduces this law to prevent these circumstances from ever occuring.
Hope this helps.
That is because Islam does not believe in the intermingling of the sexes. There are some postures in offering the Salaah (prayer ) like bowing down etc, which may disturb the opposite sex and may divert concentration when he/she is behind her/him respectively. Therefore there are mosques kept separately for the Ladies ,which is usually built nearby.
so men do not get disracted and get over excited and suddenly get a boner while praying
Praying (or Salat) in Islam includes bowing on knees as well as bowing to the ground. So, separation of women and men in mosques is established to avoid distraction of men and women during praying different movements.
Men in Islam do not cover their heads during prayer. Women do so to cover their hair.
In chairs or pews. In orthodox synagogues, men and women do not sit together, and are separated by a curtain or wall.
Only the Orthodox denomination separates the men and women, and then it's only done during prayer services. All other denominations do not separate men and women.
Men and women are separated so they aren't distracted from their prayers.
Yes. Men and women slaves were separated. For what? I don't know why
Withing Messianic Judaism, prayer shawls normally used by the men during ceremonies and prayers. Male or female is allowed to use them, and some women do. However, you will still see the majority being used by men.
Because the Halakah requires the men and women to sit separately. One reason this is so is because prayer is supposed to be a serious time when a person concentrates on nothing but his relationship with his Creator. The mingling of the sexes can be a cause of frivolity and thus tends to be a distraction to the very essence of what prayer is supposed to be.
The general dressing that Islam has tought men and women.
Because the soldiers separated the men from the women.
Clothes must be clean. Men must cover at least navel to knee. Women must cover all except hands and face (during prayer, women must show their face).
because they kept all of the men together and all of the women together
women and children were put together and men were sepperated from them