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Anyone can go on the Hajj following all terms and condition applies as well as how to dress but hundreds of years before this was mainy meant for Muslim as it was written in Qur'an- The Holy Book For Muslims and The Word Of Allah.

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Pilgrimage (or Hajj) is performed by all religions. However, pilgrimage rituals and destinations are different from one religion to another.

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Q: Why are Muslims only allowed to go on the Hajj?
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What do non Muslims do in hajj?

Non Muslims don't go on Hajj.

Where do Muslims go to when they go to hajj?

They Muslims to go the city of Mecca to perform Hajj. But they must go to Mina and Arafat to complete the rituals of Hajj.

Which religions can go on the hajj journey?

Hajj is not a religion but it is one of the pillars of Islam.

What does a hajji do?

There is no 'a Hajj.' Hajj is the pilgrimage where all Muslims are required to go for Pilgrimage. This is a spiritual and only religion- based journey.

Why do Muslims go hajj?

To pray

What country do Muslims go to for Hajj?

Muslims perform Hajj in the Holy city Makkah and Madina in Saudi Arabia.

Why aren't Muslims allowed to wear jewlerry on hajj?

to show that they have left all worldly pleasures or can for go all worldy pleasures

Why do Muslims go on this hajj?

Because something.

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They go on Hajj to get rewards from Allah (God) so they can go to Heaven. I know this as I am a Muslim!

Sir i am a Hindu but you worship for Allah right now you m in Saudi Arabia but i don't have rights to go for hajj why?

Hajj is a ritual for Muslims only.

Where do Muslims go during the holidays?

Muslims are not required to go anywhere during the holidays of others. During Hajj, Muslims go to Mecca.

What events do Muslims believe the hajj reenacts?

Muslim went to hajj because to get has senate to go to Haven