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Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) strive to always live a Christian life - meaning that they try to always live as an example of Jesus Christ. They look for opportunities to serve others and are often involved in community service projects and humanitarian missions. They also try to be honest, humble, and hardworking. They avoid anything that would be unbecoming of a Christ-follower, such as smoking, drinking, drugs, swearing, or participating in inappropriate media or other activities. Because they believe that you should not be a burden to society, they try to stay out of debt and store food and water in case of natural disaster.

Just the way they live their lives is why they are said to be a good example.

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Q: Why are Mormons said to be a good example?
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What do Mormons believe about human nature?

Mormons believe that the ultimate example for human nature was shown through Jesus Christ's perfect example. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints they strive to emulate this nature whenever possible.

What are things can be said about the Mormons?

Of course many things can be said about Mormons. Here are just a few: *"Mormons" are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. *There are over 14 million baptized Mormons around the world. *Mormons claim to be Christian because they believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior and that the Bible is the Word of God. However, they do not agree with many other traditional Christian doctrines and therefore do not consider themselves Catholic or Protestant. *Mormons come from all backgrounds, races, and cultures. Most Mormons tend to be higher educated, have larger families, be more involved in the community, and more active in their congregations than the typical American. *Mormons are very excited to share their faith and belief with others. They have over 50,000 traveling missionaries, extensive web resources, and open their worship services to the public so that anyone interested can learn about them. Check out the "Related Links" to learn more about Mormons and what they believe.

Where do most Mormons live outside the US?

Of the 13,824,854 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) worldwide, 7,785,947 live outside the United States. That is, 56% of all baptised Mormons live outside the U.S. Nations with quite a few Mormons are: Canada 179,801 Mormons (1% of Mormons are Canadian, 0.5% of Canadians are Mormon) Samoa 69,224 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 39% of Samoans) Tonga 55,173 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 53% of Tongans) Mexico 1,197,573 Mormons (8.7% of Mormons, 1% of Mexicans) Guatemala 220,296 Mormons (1.6% of Mormons, 1.6% of Guatemalans) El Salvador 105,501 Mormons (0.8% of Mormons, 2% of El Salvadorians) Hondouras 136,408 Mormons (1% of Mormons, 2% of Hondourans) Brazil 1,102,674 Mormons (8% of Mormons, 0.6% of Brazilians) Chile 561,920 Mormons (4% of Mormons, 3.3% of Chileans) Peru 480,816 Mormons (3.5% of Mormons, 1.7% of Peruvians) Philippines 631,885 Mormons (4.6% of Mormons, 0.7% of all Philippinos) UK 186,082 Mormons (1.3% of Mormons, 0.3% of all UK) Australia 126,767 Mormons (0.9% of Mormons, 0.6% of Australians) New Zealand 100,962 Mormons (0.7% of Mormons, 2.4% of all New Zealanders) To compare, the United States has 6,038,907 Mormons. That's 44% of Mormons and 2% of all Americans. But you can find Mormons in nearly every nation of the World! The "Related Link" below has a great population statistics map related to Mormon Church membership.

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The teacher said, "Please be more specific, as I don't understand what you mean?"