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Jainism and Hinduism are two ancient Indian religions. The word "Jain" is derived from the word Jina, referring to a human being who has conquered all inner passions (like anger, attachment, greed and pride) and possesses Kevala Jnana (pure infinite knowledge).

Followers of the path of the Jinas are called Jains.

Followers of Hinduism are called Hindus.

While there are some similarities and differences between the two religions, the rituals and religious practices of Jainism are different from those of Hinduism.

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Lvl 2
3y ago
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13y ago

jain riligion is not part Hindu as most people think. it is very old riligion & has it own identity which belives in non voilens truth ,aprigriha ,sacrifice [tyag]

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Lvl 5
1y ago

Jain And Hinduism Totally Different by Believes!.

Hindus worship Deities.

But, jain worship Tirthankaras.

But, The History of Jain are Associated with Hinduism.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Jain is hindu caste

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