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According to biblical legend, all Jews are descended from Abraham, and Jesus was a Jew. The Gospels of Mathew and of Luke provide two different genealogies of Jesus, going back through his father Joseph and King David to Abraham, but neither places Jesus, or at least Joseph, as a direct descendant of Moses.

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Are Moses and Abraham related?

Abraham was Moses' direct ancestor, but pre-dated him by several generations, they never met. I hope this has helped you : )

Why are Moses and Abraham related?

Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Levi to Kohath to Amram m Jochebed Ex 6:18-20 to Moses.

Who was Moses Abraham?

Abraham was Moses forefather.

Is Moses the son of Abraham?

No Moses is not the son of Abraham, it was Isaac who was Abraham son.

What is the difference between Abraham and Moses?

According to tradition, Moses was greater in prophecy (Deuteronomy ch.34), while Abraham was the greatest in pioneering the service of God. Moses led the Israelite nation, while Abraham led a smaller family and entourage. Moses lived his life outside Israel, while Abraham lived most of his life in Israel (Canaan). See also the attached Related Link.

Is Joseph related to Moses?

Joseph pre-dated Moses by several generations. They were related, but in order to find a common ancestor, you'd have to go back to the patriarch Jacob (Israel). Joseph and Moses never met.

When did Abraham Moses Luncz die?

Abraham Moses Luncz died in 1918.

When was Abraham Moses Luncz born?

Abraham Moses Luncz was born in 1854.

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What is Islam's belief of Christ?

Islam teaches that Christ was a prophet of God. & a word from him & his spirit, he is one of the most chosen 5 prophets "Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad" pbut all.

How many years from Abraham to Moses?

From the birth of Abraham to the birth of Moses, 420 years elapsed.