The term 'Hinduism' is a misnomer. It relates to a geographic region rather than a belief system. People living around the Indus valley were called or known as 'Indus'. That got changed to Hindus over time. Similar to Father being changed to Daddy and Daddy to Dad! Today's common understanding is that Hinduism encompasses a great number of belief systems and they all come under the umbrella of Hinduism. Respect for others, sanctity of life, re-birth are some of the basic beliefs of Hinduism, as are belief in gods and goddesses in various incarnations of the 33 gods and godessess mentioned in the veda. Some suggest millions of gods and goddesses. Almost all forms of life are revered and worshipped in Hinduism. Contrast that with Christianity and Islam. They do not believe in re-birth but believe in a single Creator - who also sustains and is capable of destroying its creation. Interestingly, Heaven and Hell are common to Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Lastly, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam are the most popular religions in the world. And Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world as of today. So study all of them and make an intelligent choice if you are considering a religious affiliation. If you belong to any religious belief system, then you know to respect others.
rishi is the best and rishi respects hinduism alot.
hinduism is the best religion.
jesus's daddy "god"
Brahmanism was the religion of aryans, and was the primary form of Hinduism. Brahmanism was influenced by many other and accepted the best parts from them, thus Brahmanism was transformed into Hinduism.
Holy order
It was a merging of Aryan traditions with those of Indus valley civilizations.
Hinduism believe in complete individual freedom of any Karma (action), never should say my philosophy is the best.
Hinduism is possibly the most ancient formal religion still practised. It is thousands of years older than Islam.
Hinduism does not believe that some people are better than others but focuses on members of the religion being the best that they can be.
Hinduism and buddism
it can be described using some tales of panchtantra