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We as Pentecostals believe highly in wearing dresses because we believe in dressing Godly and not in mans garments. We dont believe in television because it takes away from whats really important in life like family and God. We prefer to spend our time praying and caring for family than wasting it on television. For more information contact RevTimAdams on Twitter. He has way more answers to questions like yours. But I do appreciate you asking a good question like that. I can tell you are quite curious as to Pentecostals and their religion.

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Q: Why Do Pentecostals believe highly in wearing dresses and no TV?
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First as a Pentecostal pastor, let me state that NOT all Pentecostal denominations holds to this teaching. Just like the Baptists, there are different denominations with-in the umbrella word of Pentecostals. For example : Assemblies of God, Church of God, Foursquare, Church of God of Prophecy, Church of God in Christ, Apostolic, Holiness, etc. Those who are Pentecostal and adhere to this idea also adhere to the idea of not cutting their hair and use 1 Corinthians 11:3-15 as their reasoning. However, there is a great debate about how those very few scriptures are to be interpreted. For a better understanding on the debate Google "1 Corin. 11:3-5 debate among Pentecostals". But there is a HUGE difference in beliefs when it comes to pants, make up, jewelry, and hair cutting between Pentecostals and Holiness Pentecostals. To get a better understanding between the two, I would HIGHLY suggest a Google search on "The differences between Pentecostals and Holiness Pentecostals" In the bible in 1 Timothy 2:9 it says "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." Some Pentecostal denominations believe that wearing jewelry goes against that verse. So I will end it with this, MOST Pentecostal denominations DO allow wearing of pants and not just dresses for women. Those who don't are a small portion of the Pentecostal group. Some that do NOT allow wearing of pants but only dresses, are the Holiness and Apostolic.

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Why do pentecost women wear long dresses all the time?

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What stores offer discounted satin dresses?

To find that perfect and not-so costly satin dress for your daughters I highly recommend They offer a wide variety of different style dresses which will appeal to their tastes as well as yours.

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