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Many prophets put together The Bible. In fact, it was put together through a total of 1,500 years and it still fits together. But the first historian to write about Jesus is thought to be Josephus.

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A:This would be Mark's Gospel, since it was the first New Testament gospel to be written. In fact, biblical scholars have demonstrated that Mark was the principal source used by the authors of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke for their knowledge of the life and mission of Jesus. Scholars say that John was loosely based on Luke, with some material taken direct from Mark.

However, we should not assume that Paul's companion Mark was the author of the gospel that now bears his name. All the New Testament gospels were originally anonymous and were only attributed to the apostles whose names they now bear later in the second century. Biblical scholars say there is no good reason to accept these attributions. We therefore do not know who actually wrote Mark's Gospel, although it is the first book about the life of Jesus.

Paul wrote his epistles long before the gospel was written, but makes little mention of Jesus and when he does do so he usually differs from the gospel account.

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Josephus, a Jewish historian in the late first century, wrote about those who believed in Jesus, but not about Jesus himself. Early in the second century, Tacitus, a Roman historian, seems to have mentioned Jesus as the founder of the Christian religion. Also early in the second century, Acts of the Apostles includes material about the risen Jesus. Acts was traditionally regarded as a history, but the consensus of New Testament scholars is that Acts is theology, not history, and so its author can not be regarded as a historian.

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Josephus mentions Jesus in a brief notice which some historians believe was a later Christian interpolation not penned by Josephus himself.

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Josephus and tacitus

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Q: Whose writings contain the earliest information about the life of Jesus?
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