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The verse says explicitly that God was talking to Noah and his three sons.

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Q: Whom was God talking to in Genesis 9 8-10?
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When and with whom did God begin the covenant?

With Abraham. See Genesis chapter15.

Whom did God turn into a pillar of salt?

The wife of Lot (Genesis ch.19).

Who promised Israel to the Israelites?

God promised Israel (the land of Canaan) to Jacob (Genesis ch.28), whom He renamed Israel (Genesis ch.35).

How did Abraham get rewarded for his faithfulness?

1) God gave him a son in his (and Sarah's) old age (Genesis ch.21). 2) God gave him the Holy Land as an inheritance (Genesis ch.13). 3) God made a covenant with him (Genesis ch.15 and 17). 4) God gave him victory in battle (Genesis ch.14). 5) Kings feared him (Genesis ch.12 and 20) and sought treaties with him (Genesis ch.21).

What did Abraham do to show that he trusted God?

He withstood all tests and trials. There were many of them: He was persecuted and endangered by Nimrod for speaking against idolatry. His wife was abducted by Pharaoh (Genesis ch.12) and by Avimelekh the Philistine (Genesis ch.20). He was compelled to go into battle to rescue his nephew (Genesis ch.14). He was tested by God to see whom he loved more: his son Isaac, or God (Genesis ch.22). And his wife was barren for many decades (Genesis ch.11, 15 and 16).

How many times is god mentioned in Genesis chapter 3?

The word god is not found in Genesis 3 The word God is found in Genesis 3 13 times

What was Adam's excuse for his sin?

The answer is found in Genesis when God confronted Adam and Eve after their sin: Genesis 3:12 Then the man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate." Adam said it was the woman's fault.

God put a living soul in whom?

KJV Genesis 2:7, " And the LORD God formed man (Adam) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

How many sons did Abraham have?

Abraham had eight sons. They are all named in Genesis ch.25. Isaac was born from Sarah and carried on the covenant of God after Abraham (Genesis 17:21). He went on to become a prophet to whom God spoke (Genesis ch.26). Isaac was the father of Jacob (Genesis ch.25, who was later given the name of Israel by God (Genesis ch.35). Ishmael was born from Sarah's Egyptian servant Hagar (Genesis 25:12) and was sent away from Abraham's household at the command of God, to become a separate nation (Genesis 21:12-21). He became an archer and married an Egyptian wife (Genesis 21:20-21). Another six sons were born from a wife named Keturah whom Abraham took towards the end of his life (Genesis ch.25). When they became young men, Abraham gave them gifts and told them to move to the east (ibid) in order to allow Isaac to continue Abraham's traditions without competition.

What message did God give Joseph?

Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) points out that God is never portrayed talking to Joseph nor appearing to him. According to the Bible, the next after Jacob to communicate with God is Moses.

Why are the tribes collectively called Israel?

Because they were all the descendants of Jacob, whom God renamed Israel (Genesis ch.35). See also:What was the ancestry of the Jewish tribes?

How do we know that God was testing Abraham's faith?

It is stated explicitly in Genesis 22:1.Abraham's tests:Abraham was persecuted and endangered by Nimrod for speaking against idolatry. His wife was abducted by Pharaoh (Genesis ch.12) and by Avimelekh the Philistine (Genesis ch.20). He was compelled to go into battle to rescue his nephew (Genesis ch.14). He was tested by God to see whom he loved more: his son Isaac, or God (Genesis ch.22). And his wife was barren for many decades (Genesis ch.11, 15 and 16). Also, until he built up a circle of disciples, he was alone as a monotheist in a sea of idolaters.See also:A biography of AbrahamWhy did God test Abraham?Jewish history timeline