

Best Answer

He is the sole human to testify of it.

But you know what?

They asked him to prove that he was in Jerusalem. The people of Makkah knew he had never travelled there.

Muhammad not only described Jerusalem down to its little streets, (Muhammad later said that, though he could not remember much of what he saw, Allah showed it to him as he spoke), but he also described the condition of a particular rest stop down to details of how a glass was laying on its side in a particular place. So they sent out a rider to that rest stop. He returnrd leter that day to report that Muhammad was right.

But even more than that, Muhammad said that he passed a caravan of x number of camels and x number of men carrying goods that were from such and such a place. He said that the caravan would arrive to Makkah around mid day.

And it did.

Answer II

Hazrat Abou Bakar Siddique (ra ) witnessed it and was reason of addition of word Siddique in his name .

Comment on answer II above:

Abu Bakr Assiddique did NOT witness it. When he was told that Muhammad was going around telling people that he travelled to Jerusalem and back, Abu Bakr said: If Muhammad said it, then he did. THAT is why he is called Assiddique - because he believed the Prophet immediately.

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Q: Who witnessed Mohamed's ascension in Jerusalem?
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