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The answer to this question depends on which gospel is preferred as a source.

  • In the ealiest of the gospels, the Gospel According to St Mark, women looked from afar off: among them, Mary.
  • The Gospel According to St Matthew says that women looked from afar off: among them, Mary and Mary Magdalene.
  • The Gospel According to St Luke says that those of his acquaintance stood afar off with the women that followed him from Galilee, without actually naming the women.
  • The Gospel According to St John says that the mother of Jesus, her sister (also called Mary) and Mary Magdalene stood by the cross with the disciple whom he loved. It is only in this Gospel that the women were at the site of the crucifixion.
AnswerMary, the mother of Yeshua, or Jesus; Mary, His aunt, wife of Clopas; and Mary Magdalene, a friend of the Lord who repented of her immoral life. Also present was John, the Apostle Jesus loved. This is from John 19:25-26.
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14y ago
AnswerThe ealiest of the gospels, The Gospel According to St Mark, says only that women looked from afar off: among them, Mary.

The Gospel According to St Matthew also says that women looked from afar off: among them, Mary and Mary Magdalene. Once again, no one was present at the cross.

The Gospel According to St Luke says that those of his acquaintance stood afar off with the women.

The Gospel According to St John says that the mother of Jesus, her sister (also called Mary) and Mary Magdalenefollowed Jesus and stood by the cross with the disciple whom he loved.

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None, but Mary is mother and Mary Magdeline watched from a distance.

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12y ago

There was only 1 mary,and that was jesus mom.

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Q: Who were the women who followed Jesus to the cross?
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