Adam and Eve were married by God himself:
(Genesis 2:22-24) ". . .God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man. Then the man said: "This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, Because from man this one was taken." That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh."
Adah and Zillah (Genesis ch.4), who were both married to the same man.
only if the guyb is cheating on them. its not leagal to marry two people at the same time.
Abraham was married to his half-sister.
what lazarus are you refering to?if it's the man named Lazarus in the Bible,he had two sisters named Martha and Mary.
Same-sex marriage, or anything, is not in the Bible. It says that a man should be with a woman, and a woman with a man.
An adulteress is a married woman that fools around with another man
Which 'John' do you mean?John the Baptist?John the sonof Zebedee,?John Mark?The Bible doesn't say whether any of them were married.
Yes, it will inevitably lead to something else. We are to be pure until we are married. The Bible teaches one man and one woman are to be united for life.
No word on this. But the Bible does say that the married man and woman are now "one flesh". (Ephesians 5.31)
The book of Romans says once a women is married she must stay with the man, til he dies and then only can she get married. Divorce is not allowed according to the bible.
ANSWER:It could be that this married man fell in love with his mistress. That's the only way why some married man will go back to the same person.
Yes, she can get a divorce.