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Q: Who were the two persons specifically identified as being saved and why were they not alive at the time of the vision received by Ellen white?
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Where is the vision center of the brain is located?

The vision center of the brain is located at the back of the brain, in a region called the occipital lobe. This area is specifically responsible for processing visual information received from the eyes.

What is your vision in your life?

A persons vision in life is whatever their life's goals are and where they would like to be years into the future. How you picture yourself in the future and where you plan to be are all part of your vision in life.

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Tunnel Vision - 1976 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R

Can two persons with normal vision produce a colorblind son?

No they will produce a child who is colour blind.

Is field vision a persons outermost vision?

Field vision refers to the full extent of what a person can see without moving their eyes. It includes both central vision (what you see directly in front of you) and peripheral vision (what you can see out of the corners of your eyes). It is not the same as your outermost vision, which could refer to what is at the edges of your peripheral vision.

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no a persons vision cannot be tinted red through the cause of anger the only way you could is if you could change light

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Fatal Vision - 1984 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:16

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