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roger Williams and anne Hutchinson

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Q: Who were the two people who challenged the Puritan establishment?
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Who were the Two people who challenged the Puritan establishment were?

I think they were Anne Hutchinson, and Robert Child, that's what it says in The Puritan Dilemma.

Two people who challenged the Puritan establishment were:?

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson.

How can you use the word challenged in a sentence?

I was challenged to a chess tournament.He felt challenged by her words.Bart was challenged to stay in the haunted house for thirty minutes. That was two weeks ago.

What two people in 1800s challenged each other in a gun fight?

Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Burr won.

Two writing styles or techniques typical of Puritan are?

the plain style and typology

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The colony of Virgina had a variety of faiths, but the two main ones were puritan and catholic

What two puritan writers produced most religious work?

John Milton and John Bunyan

What were two techniques that puritan writers in early America typically used?

Typology and plain style

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"Reconciliation" is the word that means the re-establishment of friendly relations between two parties.

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britain and mexico

What two adjectives best describe Puritan church services?

Patrimonial, pioneers, laborious