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Because the Angel of the Lord told them - in Luke 2

10. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

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16y ago

They were just poor, humble shepherds out in the field; the Bible doesn't mention any anything about them after they went to see the baby Jesus.

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13y ago

The shepherds who came to see Jesus were ordinary shepherds they did the lowest job and they did not have their names mentioned.

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The first people to worship Jesus were the Israelites, a group in The Bible.

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11y ago

They were close by


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Q: Who were the shepherds who came to worship Jesus first?
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Who saw baby Jesus first - the wise men or the shepherds?

the Shepperd's saw Jesus first the wise men actually came 6 years later

How many people came to see baby jesus?

Shepherds saw Him and when He was two or so the wise man or men came to see Him. It says in the beginning of Luke in the Bible

Was Jesus born before the shepherds came?

According to the Gospels, yes.

Giftfs from three Shepherds to baby Jesus?

The shepherds did not give Jesus gifts. The wise men from the east gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincence, and myrrh. He was about two years old when they came.

How are the shepherds like the people Jesus came to save?

It was more like the sheep with Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

Did the shepherds bring Jesus gifts?

There is no scriptural reference of the shepherds giving any worldly gifts. They gave Him something much more precious, and that was their recognition that he was someone special. They even left their sheep to go and see Him. They took notice of what the angel said to them and did not shrug it off as not really have happened. They even knelt before Him and worshipped Him.

Who were the first people to visit Mary and Joseph in the stable?

Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.Local shepherds. Later came the 3 Wise Men.

Did ancient greeces gods worship jesus?

No. Jesus came thousands of years After the Greeks.

Who visited Mary before Jesus birth?

After Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, the shepherds were the first to visit him, according to the New Testament. The angels announced the birth to the shepherds, who then went to see Jesus in the manger.

What does the angel on top of the Christmas tree symbolize?

The angel on the top of Christmas trees symbolizes the angel that came to see the shepherds. The angel showed the shepherds where Jesus was.

Who else other than the wise men came to visit Jesus when he was a small child?

The shepherds visited him in a different account.

How many sheppard's came to visit Jesus?

Like the number of wise-men, the number of shepherds is not recorded.