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There have been many legends of people 'helping' jesus to the Cross. St Veronica is one such legend - a woman who gave a towel to Christ to wipe his bloodstained face and on receiving it back an image of Christ had miraculously transfererred to the towel. However, there is absolutely no historical basis or evidence for this event despite many (primarily Roman Catholics) believing it to be a true story.

The only person for which there is historical (ie gospel) evidence for his helping Jesus to the Cross was Simon of Cyrene, a visitor to Jerusalem who was forcibly drafted in to carry the crossbeam for Jesus as, after his scourging, he was to weak to carry it. (although John, in his account, makes no mention of Simon). After this good deed, Simon disappears into the crowd, never to be heard of again, his fame in the gospels being short-lived. All we know of him is that he was from Cyrene, a city in northern Africa. As a result of this, some people believe that he may have been black, but this is conjecture as Cyrene was as cosmopolitan a city as was Athens, Corinth or even Jerusalem.

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Q: Who were the five people that helped Jesus on the way to the cross?
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