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Adam and Eve were the first to sin. They ate from the tree of life and knowledge, which God had told them not to do. So the first sin was disobedience of God.


God's Word reveals to man the "definition of sin" as: "...the transgression of the law" [I John 3:4].

While there are many laws recorded by God in The Bible... Paul's inspirational elaboration pinpoints which "law transgressed" John means:

"...I had not known sin, but BY the law: for I had not known LUST, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet." (Rom.7:7)

"Thou shalt not covet" is one of the "Ten Commandments." These are the ten laws, which [according to God] when broken [or transgressed] raises one's consciousness to the reality and penalty of sin. It's disregard for our Creator's Authority... selfishness... lack of concern for the well-being of others... disrespect for others... the overall general abscence of outgoing love for others [as opposed to "inward-directed" love of self].

By God's definition, then... Adam and Eve did what all of their children have been doing since -- breaking God's Commandments [sinning].

Their Creator commanded them to obey Him: they didn't "honor their parent."

"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" -- they chose "that old Serpent" [see Rev.12:9] above their Creator to worship and obey.

"Thou shalt not steal" -- they took what was not theirs.

They lusted after, coveted and worshiped the object they were told was not theirs.

They denied responsibility for it [bore false witness], later... trying to accuse others. Adam indirectly accused God of sin by blaming Him for giving him Eve: "...The woman whom thou gavest me, SHE gave me of the tree..." (Gen.3:12).

Eve sought to deflect any responsibility by blaming "that old Serpent": "...The Serpent beguiled me..." (verse 13).

Any one of the transgressions of these laws by itself brought sin into the lives of men... as James tells us:

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For He that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill [should be 'murder' - see Matt.19:18. God allows the 'killing' of animals for food, and the 'killing' of murderers... which is not 'murder' in God's eyes, in spite of what men say]. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill [murder], thou art become a transgressor of the law." (James 2:10-11)

In other words... Adam and Eve did nothing different from what all men have done to this very day. They "sinned" -- "broke the Ten Commandments." They just did it, first.

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Q: Who were the first people to sin on earth and what sin did they do?
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