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Matthew and Mark make no mention of any of the disciples going to the empty tomb.

Luke has Peter going alone to the tomb and finding it empty.

John has "the disciple whom Jesus loved" going with Peter to the tomb. The disciple ran ahead and was the first to arrive, looking in to see the clothes but no body. Peter arrived next and went in first. we do not know who this disciple was intended to be, but tradition holds that it was John.

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Mark's Gospel was the first New Testament gospel to be written, and there is no suggestion in this gospel or in Matthew's Gospel that any of the apostles ever saw the empty tomb.

In Luke's Gospel, Peter ran alone to the tomb, bent down and looked inside, and saw that it was empty.

The account in John's Gospel is loosely based on that in Luke's Gospel but adds the 'disciple whom Jesus loved'. Peter and the beloved disciple ran together to the tomb and the beloved disciple, arriving first, bent down and looked inside to see that it was empty. Although not the first to see the empty tomb of Jesus, Peter was the first to go inside. The author of John's Gospel never identifies the beloved disciple, but he is traditionally thought to have been John.

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It was Peter.

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The guards of the tomb.

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Mary and Mary Magdalene

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Q: Who were the first apostles to see the empty tomb?
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