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Arguably St. Claire or Clara, who was the biological sister of St. Francis of Assisi- the female branch of the Franciscans were/are sometimes referred to as Poor Clares, though Franciscan sisters, of course, sounds better. They have long been active in the health-care apostolate, in the Hudson County area St.Francis hospital and St. Mary"s were under their care.

Roman Catholic AnswerProbably St. Scholastica, the twin sister of St. Benedict, who started the female branch of the Benedictine order in the 6th century. To the best of my knowledge, all of the orders before then were male. I know that the Augustinian order (started by St. Augustine) was established a century or so earlier, but I don't think they had a formal religious order for woman until later. Everyone else that we know about before then was male.

As for the answer above, St. Clare was a follower of St. Francis, not his sister, and the Poor Clares were approved in 1223, about seven centuries after St. Scholastica formed the female Benedictines according to her brother's rule.

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11y ago

To the best of my knowledge, the first Order of Catholic nuns was founded by St. Scholastic, St. Benedict's twin sister. So they are still known as Order of Saint Benedict. Attached below is a link to St. Emma's, a monastery of nuns not far from my Abbey.

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The first African American black woman to become a nun was Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange. She was the foundress and first superior of the Oblate Sisters of Providence.

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Sundari Nanda, the half sister of the Buddha.

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Roman Catholic AnswerIf you are referring to the Order of the Immaculate Conception, a contemplative order of Nuns of the Catholic Church, then, yes, they are most definitely Catholic. If you are referring to a host of other things commonly called "blue nuns", then, no, they're not.

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Nuns can live in a monastery, and abbey, or a convent.

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The scrub uniform for nurses first came from nuns. Nuns were normally the main caregivers in past history, and because most churches are based off the catholic religion, they brought over their uniform.

What religion does a Catholic nun practice?

Roman Catholic AnswerCatholic nuns practice Christianity.

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Dylan sprouse likes catholic girls and nuns

Did Catholic nuns travel alone in the 1950?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. And you are probably thinking of Catholic Sisters, who taught in schools and worked in hospitals. Nuns were enclosed in monasteries and did not normally travel. Sisters did not travel alone, but normally were required by their rule to always travel in pairs.

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There are Carmelite and Catholic nuns, both are Christian.